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12 results

  • LG Maximizing Opportunities in the Education Market

    On 20 May 2019
    As a reseller or systems integrator, when you recommend a comprehensive digital signage solution for an educational facility you have four audiences to consider: Students, Teachers, School Administrators, and IT Directors. Each has a different goal, but all can benefit from LG Display technology.
  • Boardroom Renaissance – How To Design the Executive Boardroom

    On 09 Apr 2019
    The classic boardroom has taken a bit of a backseat in recent years to the newly popular huddle spaces. We are in the midst of a bona fide “boardroom renaissance”!
  • Case Study | Take Video Conferencing on the Road

    On 14 May 2019
    Zoom is a leading software platform for enterprise video and audio conferencing, online meetings and mobile collaboration. Anthony Lee, an account executive for Zoom, uses Logitech MeetUp and GROUP to host video meetings while on the road.
  • [Archived] Zoom Rooms Eco-System Standards eBook - Delivering Hardware Happiness

    On 19 May 2019
    Expectations in our market are changing rapidly. We are here to make sure you can change just as fast, and then accelerate beyond. Our services are designed not around bringing a box or a list of gear. Our services are designed around having partnerships that allow us three real offerings.
  • 3 Steps to Better Design for Mass Notification, Paging and Clocks for Any School.

    On 22 May 2019
    Safety in schools is always about communications and planning. A School Paging system is critical, but a boring system that is always present. Along with that are the clocks, and in most cases a “want or need” for true mass or visual notification, though there isn’t always the budget.
  • When to use EVA as the Best Church Line Array.

    On 03 Jun 2019
    What is the best church line array system? That question can be answered in a number of ways. Anyone who tells you that “This is the best” without knowing the absolute needs of the facility does not understand audio. However, there is a way to cut through the options and take a great system, and know where it works best. Here we will look at the Electro-Voice EVA system so you can quickly know when this powerhouse system may truly be “Your best church line array.”
  • Don’t Let These Issues Hose Your Next Project

    On 03 Jun 2019
    Not so long ago, a project I was working on was moving perfectly. Design, labor, pricing, and profit were all spot on. I crossed my T’s and dotted my I’s and then it happened. A shipping mistake from a vendor snowballed out of control. It wasn’t the first time, and I thought there was no way it could happen a second time but of course, it did.
  • Lock Down School Safety With a Single Click

    On 16 May 2019
    In today’s world, school safety is a top priority for school educators and administrators. You can never have too many safeguards when it comes to protecting your children.
  • Make it Simple - Find The Right Ceiling Speaker

    On 23 Apr 2019
    Why? This is the bigger brother to the EVIDC4.2 ceiling speakers. What is the big difference? Two times the size woofer. In the real world, this is an excellent sounding speaker that has a focused quality all the way down to 62 Hertz.
  • Student Safety Gets Refined

    On 22 May 2019
    Bishop Hartley High School Increases Student Safety and Lowers Costs Using IP Devices “How do you communicate in an emergency?” This is a defining question that many schools have started asking themselves in the wake of a series of tragedies over the last decade. In response, we have created better plans to account for a host of potential situations. Fire, weather, intruder, shooter, the list goes on. One large problem always remains, however. More plans introduce more levels of potential human error. With these detailed plans, how do you make sure that in any given event the correct information and procedure is followed, without any margin for mistakes?
  • How does Visual Notification Enhance Safety?

    On 04 Jun 2019
    The Alarm bell goes off, three short bursts and the strobes start flashing. This is the real deal, are you confident your students and staff remember precisely what to do? It wasn’t so long ago that you only had to juggle two alerts – evacuate for fire, or move to a shelter for the weather. If students got mixed up, it only took a minute or so to redirect them and get everyone to safety. Intruders, active shooter, lockdown, all clear, fire or weather. Each has its own set of needs and instructions all focused on “where do I go?” The wrong move or a minute’s delay can mean life or death.
  • Why You Need EV Speakers and Dynacord Amps

    On 06 Jun 2019
    Being in the know is one thing. Being in the know on the right things is the real trick. Those of you who I have worked with, know that I am a bit of a gear skeptic and that I don’t beat around the bush. Those who I haven’t had the pleasure of working with yet can put me to the test with these selections and news. With the constant noise of new product releases, it can be hard to filter what is important and what is not.