Content with Categories House of Worship .

The newest installment of Starin's House of Worship ebook is live and ready for you to share with your customers!

Discover tips and tools to offer any church, temple or worship hall looking for audio, video or streaming solutions.

Video + Projection Displays eBook, an integrator's guide to Video Walls, Displays,Signage, Projection and Screens.

For many churches around the globe, streaming from Facebook has become the norm for their weekly gatherings. Learn about the latest features Facebook has added to make live streams reach more people, be more interactive, and more effective.

Using Datapath Fx4 Miami Beach’s The Temple House & United Projection event hall creates immersive experiences for guests by projection mapping the bare bones white walls. Transforming everything from corporate events to weddings into a rose-bedecked forest, or an endless columned temple, or, whatever else their wrap-around AV system can project on the tall walls and high ceiling.