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349 results

  • Video Wall Quote Request

    On 19 Aug 2019
    From full-service installation and design to support contracts, we can provide precisely what you need to quote and sell the exact video wall solution you require. Use this form below to quickly answer all of the must-have information on your project and we will be able to provide you a complete quote at your reseller pricing, with any required options. Video walls made just that simple!
  • Poly Registration

    On 25 Mar 2020
    Poly Registration
  • The easiest way to connect IP-based cameras and equipment to your video production system without a cable

    On 11 Feb 2020
    The easiest way to connect IP-based cameras and equipment to your video production system without a cable--up to 1,300 feet away with no additional latency added. Designed for a wide variety of applications including software and hardware that leverages IP communications.
  • Town Hall March 2019: DTEN D7

    On 13 Mar 2019
    Town Hall DTEN D7
  • Town Hall August 2021: Featuring Poly

    On 29 Aug 2021
    Chris Neto from Starin joined our partner, Poly for our Town Hall series. Watch as Poly gives you a glimpse of what they have to offer you and your customers