Your Meetings are Highly Interactive, Your Display Should be Too
Your Meetings are Highly Interactive, Your Display Should be Too

If you’re building out Zoom Rooms, you need a few basic elements. You need a microphone to pick up audio. You need a camera to capture video. You need speakers to play back audio. Oh, and you need a display to see the meetings’ content and the people sitting on the far end of the call.
Enter the DTEN D7. It is a 55” all-in-one Video Conferencing solution. Featuring a built-in 4K camera, a 16 elements microphone array, amplified speakers, and one-touch or voice command startup controls for your Zoom Rooms meetings! As an added bonus you gain annotation abilities through the software to ensure everyone in the meeting can clearly see what is being discussed or changed. Great for strategy sessions, brain-storming, accounting reviews and so much more.
The DTEN D7 brings a whole new generation of integrated technologies for collaborative meetings in one device on one of the best video conferencing platforms in the market today!
Appliance vs. PC
The DTEN D7 isn't just another PC that the IT Department will have to approve before placing it on their network. While it does have a Windows 10 on-board PC, this PC has been IOT flashed for Zoom Rooms only. That equates to just another appliance on the network just like a meeting room display. This PC has been optimized and secured to operate in the Zoom Rooms environment.
When you think about all the things you need to build a Zoom Rooms, the DTEN D7 delivers on all counts.
Are you interested in a live demo of the DTEN D7? Fill out the form below and we will schedule one with you!