Logitech Sight has arrived.

Get ready to experience the AI-powered tabletop camera with intelligent multi-participant framing to give remote workers the best perspective in every hybrid meeting.

Tabletop companion camera with intelligent multi-participant framing. Get the best front-and-center view of the room, from anywhere.

AI-powered meeting room camera that helps remote attendees feel like they’re actually seated at the table.

Capture the Action

Video Capture

Sight uses video and AI to detect and accurately frame participants, with a 315° field of view.

Audio Pickup

Sight uses sound to detect active speakers and capture audio at the table, up to 7.5 ft (2.3 m) away.

Smart Switching

Adaptive intelligence chooses the best view between the camera on the table and the camera at the front of the room, tracking conversations as they move between participants.*

*Smart Switching available with future software update.



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